Spamton is the cutest little freak of nature I've ever seen, what isn't there to love?
How could somebody nOT love Spamton???? Just look at him, he's just so excited to make a deal with you that he cant contain it!!!

I would buy his garbage at double the price
If Spamton has a million fans, then I am one of them.
If Spamton has ten fans, then I am one of them.
If Spamton has only one fan, then that fan is me.
If Spamton has no fans, then I am no longer on this earth.

If the world is against Spamton, then I am against the world.

Spamton G Spamton used to be rich and famouse back in 1997 and I used to be a lot happier in 1997 so we have a lot in common!!!! Can you imagine if 1997 never ended I think we'd already have world peace or at least Pizza Hut wouldn't suck as much as it does now. I think I blame the phone guy for all of it, he really fucked up Piza Hut

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